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Stock Letter Samples to Plagiarists

2 Jun

Plagiarism Today has some excellent sample letters you can send when defending your copyright. Start with th Cease and Desist. You can the move forward with a DMCA Notice to Host and search engines. Check them out here and modify for your own circumstances.

While you’re there check out the rest of the site. It’s an excellent resource on content theft, copyright infringement and plagiarism.

-Step-by-step guide to completing the Trademark Application for a portrait photographer
-Talk on Content Theft

PPA Member Alert: Corbis Copyright Registrations

12 May

PPA is asking:

Do you have images with Corbis?
Did you sign the Corbis Copyright Assignment Affirmation Declaration?
If so, you may have invalid copyright registrations.

Read the PPA article here.

Friend or Faux?

8 May

Are you frustrated by rampant plagiarism and copyright infringement in the portrait photography community? Tired of your hard work + creativity being ripped off by fauxtographers who lack integrity and ethics? You’re in the right place. We’ll be sharing resources and spurring discussion on how to establish and defend your copyright.

Impostors, moochers, hacks and fauxtogs — your day has come. Time to step into the light and be accountable for your unethical behavior.